Remember me? How are you, dear followers? Drop me a line so it doesn't feel like shouting out into empty space. I've missed blogging, and hope to get back to it, but I see a few of you have left, there are plenty new faces around, and the blogging world is still its fiiiiiine self.
It has taken me much longer to get back to blogging this time around. And I have my reasons for it. Some of them justified and some not so. Also, when I saw that my last post was more than 10 months ago, and that too not much of a post, I seriously considered if I even want to continue at all.
Do I even have what it takes to be a blogger? For heaven's sake, just being regular with the posts? What will happen differently this time that it will make me not want to stop? I decided to come back to it because I realized that my reasons for starting this blog in the first place are still very much the same. I may have changed as a person over the years, but my main intent to kind of 'journal' my daily life, to come back to the blog to see how my thinking has changed over time, to share my experiences with friends and family, to practice my writing, to share all the good things that life has to offer and in return feel grateful for it, these and many more.
My reasons haven't changed. Instead in addition, I connected with some of you and that has been wonderful. So is this a comeback, I wouldn't know!? But this little blog of mine has not reached its end, that's certain. So, can we call it a fresh start? Hmm..Let us just call it 'taking-one-day-at-a-time' and see where it takes us. If you are new here, welcome to this little space of mine. If you are coming back, hats off to you for sticking around for so long! ;)
I’m incredibly busy these days, trying to fit in projects and final semester and catching up on the old and long left passion of mine Graphics Designing and such into a schedule made worse by my Assignments.
I haven’t been blogging very much these days, basically because I have got myself back in sync with my old passion Graphics & Web Designing which I just love doing. Granted, I am still very much enamored by Illustraions and Designs, and I have been reading a lot of what is called "Responsive Designing", the likes of which you don’t find a lot in old web designing aspects.
Other than that: things are changing in life, but I'd like to come back to blogging about books and writing, cookin, recipes, DIY. I'd like to do more of blogging, and more reading.
"Let yourself move to the next chapter in life, when the time comes don't remain on the same page
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